During this world health pandemic of COVID-19, we’ve all been challenged with fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Mandated mask wearing, social distancing and Facebook family connections have become our daily routine. Fear has crept up on us like a clinging vine taking up residence in our mind, body, and space.
Did you know that fear makes us ineffective? Fear of failure where we are paralyzed by our own negative thoughts and emotions. Fear causes us to lose touch with reality. We look through a lens of negativity and that becomes the focus in our lives.
Pastor Rick Warren once stated that most people think of life as being a series of good and bad seasons, but he felt that every season of life was more like train tracks with good and bad happening constantly and congruently.
Remember Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend Eeyore and Puddleglum in the Narnia series? They both expected the worst outcome in every situation and assumed the worst in every person. Have you become an Eeyore or a Puddleglum because of COVID-19? Hopefully, not! Do we need to adhere to national health guidelines to stay safe and healthy? Absolutely! However; don’t allow fear to control your life. We have the freedom to make choices – choose wisely!
Overcoming Fear
Mayo clinic states that exercise “releases feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals (endogenous cannabinoids) and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being”
Until next time, my friends, remember: Progress NOT Perfection!
Tammy C. O’Neil, ACC, CPT CSSC
Associate Certified Coach, Parent Trainer and Student Success Coach
ADHD Coach, Professional Organizer and Speaker
Specializing in ADHD, Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding
304.834.5678 / tammy@theorganizercoach.com / www.theorganizercoach.com
Schedule your FREE 20-minute phone consultation now / https://theorganizercoach.com/contact